In Doing

Catalysing Conscious Wealth

We are in a time of transition. The large societal challenges and solutions of our time ask of us to explore new ways of investing, beyond traditional private equity and venture capital models. By being ‘on the ground’ with the pioneers that are pursuing systems change and immersing ourselves in the challenges they face, together we will co-create the new models of value exchange and investment that this time of transition requires.

The invitation

We believe that entrepreneurs and investors need to take a long-term systemic approach. We need to restore ecosystems and heal people and their communities. This transition needs a tribe of courageous investors. Will you join?

Living lab for landscape restoration

Wire Group is engaging in a ‘living lab’ where investors can experience transition-in-action and deploy their Total Wealth towards the regeneration of soil, soul and society. Wire Group is committed to helping to develop the new financing models we need: place-based finance that is in service of nature and people and can help us build a truly regenerative Conscious Economy.



We are currently engaging in an exciting partnership with Commonland and Ashoka. Together we will develop three prototype ‘bioregional financing facilities’ that will invest in local ecosystems and communities to generate ‘4 returns’: financial, social, ecological & inspirational. Pioneering work, only to be done together with a broad range of intentional stakeholders. Learn more or get involved? Please reach out to us: michiel [at]

Upcoming events

07 - 11 May – The Ecosystem Investing Retreat

The Ecosystem Investing Retreat – Muga Valley (Spain)
Are you ready for an in-depth and pragmatic introduction to Systems Investing? Do you want to learn about the latest insights concerning ecosystem regeneration and the challenges you may encounter as an investor? Are you curious about the voice of the next generation? Do you want to participate in the Muga Valley ‘living lab’? And are you interested in discovering our (investment) vision across 7 generations?

Let's catalyse Conscious Wealth.

Learn more about what you can do?